Wednesday, October 7, 2009

18 Mile Tune Up

As my friend Tina said, I think they should rename this run the "18 mile screw up!" I was so screwed up after running the three, yes three loops in central park, in the RAIN and after being sick all week! I am nuts that I even considered it to begin with but it is too late in the game to miss a training run now and so I went through with it.

For starters I had to be up at 6am, drive into the city and find parking on the UES. I ended up parking 20-something blocks from the start line and make a long story short had to run ALL OVER the place to pick up my race number and get to the start. I ended up being late but oh well, better late than never. And yes I will admit this is my own fault for being unorganizedbut I was a bit bummed out to spend 30 minutes (=3 miles) running right before my 18 mile timed run. Ughhhh. So overall I completed 21 miles!

The first loop felt great but after that I was pretty tired and slowed down. My shoes were soaked by mile 3. The hills in Central Park are such a killer and knowing where they all are does not help me get through it any faster or easier. I finished the 18 miles in 3:12 or a 10:43 pace which is terrible for me, but hey at least I did it. It was nice to do it with a few thousand people around me as well, much more motivating then by myself! Afterward I walked, actually limped back a mile plus to my car. The whole time I am saying something is wrong in my foot, something is wrong with my foot! 10 days later I am still saying something is wrong but I am also saying something is getting better. I am off to see the doctor tonight and hopefully find out it is just a strain. I have my last long run this weekend and really looking forward to it. We are doing a bridge to bridge run: George Washington Bridge to Brooklyn Bridge! I am so excited and have always wanted to walk or run over the Brooklyn Bridge. I hope my foot holds up for the 20-22 miles. After this I am smooth sailing!

I also found out my bib number for race day and that I will be in the 2nd wave start, so I will be starting at 10am. Biggest upset though is that I will be running on the lower level of the Verrazano Bridge on the day of the marathon. I hope I don't get peed on like everyone says I will! Note to people on the upper level, please watch your bodily fluids!

I do have some more good news! I have met my fundraising goal and exceeded it! $5500 raised for cancer research and in memory of Gma Connie! Woohoo!!! I am still fundraising so definitely help out if you can! Lots of love and luck to other runners as we reach the last few weeks of training and fundraising!

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