Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm still standing

GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE Pictures, Images and Photos

18 miles and I am still standing!

This past weekend my running friends and I planned an 18 mile run that started in Hoboken, headed north on River Road, crossed over the George Washington Bridge and continued down the west side of Manhattan all the way to 42nd Street! Operation GW Bridge was a success and we all made it! The weather was cool, the sun stayed behind clouds for most of the time and there were plenty of places for water and restroom breaks. The run was hard but the best reward was the delicious brunch place which was practically waiting for us at the end of the run! Well, it IS Manhattan and after all there are hundreds if not thousands of places to eat, but Andrea knew of a yummy one that served french fries with the omelets and had mimosas the size of margaritas! Yumm just what I needed to refuel! Thank you to everyone who came down: Andrea, Missy, Tiffany, Marta, Prerna and Elizabeth - you girls rock! Thanks for waiting for my slow-poke-self to catch up and finish.

Ok so I won't go into the boring details of the run but I am just so glad to have conquered this distance. I really could not picture running another 8 miles after that but let's just pretend that thought never crossed my mind. After the run I took an ice bath which I have found really helps cure the post-run aches and pains. It sounds torturous but trust me, they are GREAT!

Training is getting tough and like I have mentioned in previous posts it is wearing me down mentally and physically. I have been exhausted and going to bed much earlier. I have found myself feeling rather cranky and short tempered and feel bad that my husband has to take the wrath of it. The running is also disrupting my personal life because I cannot see friends and family when I want to. Everything single thing needs to planned around running. I also haven't had much time for photography or any photo-related blogs but please be patient, they will be back! The next two months are going to be rough but I am trying to stay positive and focus on the goal at hand - finishing the marathon and raising money for a great cause.

Fundraising is going great: $3210.56 and still climbing! Please help by making a contribution today!


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