Monday, November 3, 2008

Judy & Michael Steinhardt Estate in Mt. Kisco, NY

I am a happy camper! I got to try out my new camera for the first time this weekend at a private estate that was open to the public on Sunday. AnnMarie invited me and I am so happy I ended up going because they had beautiful grounds and a ton of exotic animals!

I am still learning how to use my camera but thought I'd post a few shots I liked...

The lovely Ms. AnnMarie

1 comment:

  1. you go girl!!!

    I am soo happy that you got a new camera... It has been a long time coming! Great shots. Keep it up. Now that I know you have a blog, it will be easier to keep up with you.
    Hey, look for our new website to be up this week too! We are super excited about it. Check it out when you can.
