Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am injured - OUCH!

7 days ago I injured my hip flexor! I am not quite sure how but it has not been pleasant! Ok so if you remember I ran 15 miles last Saturday in Nashville, then I did a 3 fast miles on Monday and 7 miles on Tuesday. Wednesday morning I wake up and bam - I could not walk and you can just forget running. OK well I am exaggerating, I can walk but with a slight limp. I have never felt something hurt so bad in quite a long time. Not even the sciatic pains in my right leg hurt this bad! To this moment I still don't even know how I did it but do remember tripping earlier that day in the city so maybe it was from that? Or could it be from uneven pavement or the hills I encountered the night before? I keep replaying everything in my head and trying to figure out where I went wrong. All I know is I was devastated to the point of tears and all I could think of was not being able to run in the marathon. I was pretty hysterical when I tried the elliptical at the gym and couldn't even do that :( I tend to cry a lot and overreact so sort of behavior is nothing out of the ordinary.
So I decided to do some research and think that I may have injured my Rectus Femoris or what is shown here in the green. I talked to my sister Dana, who works in a Physical Therapy and Athletic Training office, and she said to rest it and ice it 4 times a day. I have also been taking advil on the regular to help with the pain and the inflammation. I decided it was in my best interest to not even try running on it for at least a week. Dana said if it didn't feel better in 5 days to see a doctor. Well after 5 days it DID indeed start to feel better. I decided to bike and do the stair climber on Sunday (neither of these hurt very much) and have been lifting weights and stretching a lot. Last night (after 7 days) I was able to do the elliptical again and I think I just may be back to running by Saturday! Hooray! Just in time for a 16 miler! I hope having these 10 days off didn't hurt my training at all, but I guess I shall see!
A quick update on my donations: I am up to $2,556.20! I am officially halfway to my $5,000 goal. I am thinking of hosting a charity event with some cool giveaways and prizes but need to do some brainstorming first! Please click below if you are able to contribute to cancer research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering!


  1. The more rest the better, don't push yourself too much on Saturday!! Rest is the best way to recovery!!!

  2. Congrats on the fundraising achievement! Glad to hear you are healing up - those hill and speed workouts are calling your name ;)

  3. Hi Sister, I FINALLY created a blog of my own so I could comment on yours :) Well, that's not the only reason...I really wanted a blog too! Check it out...very basic, just getting started. Love you and very proud of you.
